August 2023 Newsletter

August 31, 2023

Happy last few days of official summer! This month we spent time caring for our garden by adding organic fertilizer and making sure the plants had enough water for the hot days. From our garden we harvested orange, yellow, and white carrots, before being sprayed off by the hose. We also harvested a lemon cucumber and have been enjoying some cherry tomatoes. The class was unsure what the lemon cucumber was at first, with some guesses being a lemon or an orange, but most agreed that it was tasty, crunchy, and sweet.

With the arrival of new friends and the recent departure of our graduates, many of the children in the class are navigating new social interactions. The class has been talking about what it means to be a friend, both at our gathering times and in smaller groups when a conflict arises. We have discussed how to be inclusive and our class value that everyone is our friend at our school. We acknowledge that it is ok to want a break or to have quiet alone time, but that we find ways to include others when in a group.

We have begun taking out some of the bigger math and language works and have been exploring many of the Montessori sensorial materials like the red rods, color tablets, constructive triangles, pink tower etc. If Midtown parents have questions about the purpose and method for these materials, they can always ask our teachers for an explanation. We also host open houses for families to come and look at the materials closely themselves.

The class has been working on walking through the maze of rugs, using quiet voices, walking even when it’s your turn for snack, and how to interrupt or get a teacher’s attention. These are all building blocks that contribute to the calm environment of our classroom.

Afternoons have been spent in the shade drawing with chalk, playing musical instruments, playing together in time with the rhythm sticks, and singing/moving to Going on a Bear Hunt and Punchanella.

Exciting things are happening in our playground with some new artwork and fun play things. We can’t wait for the kids to see what it will look like.


Ps. You are receiving this newsletter because you joined our wait list or contacted us through our website. It is a snapshot of the weekly emails that our headteacher Joe sends out to all parents at school, keeping them updated on life in the classroom. Previous month’s newsletters can be found on our website.

A: 987 Bostwick Lane, Santa Cruz, CA

P: (831) 423 2273

C: (858) 226 3107


CCL #444417036

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